
Showing posts from July, 2021

Highbridge to Bridgwater

 26/6/21 The plan was to catch a couple of buses to get to Highbridge , but an accident on the M5 on a summer Saturday put paid to that after the first bus. We did, though, arrive on schedule in Highbridge thanks to a switch to train. A short walk along the A38 past the stationary traffic, brought us to West Huntspill and The Orchard was just opening. There have been three of us walking this year (Foz did appear in one the earlier photos) and as we supped our pleasant pints of Tribute (4%) for £7.40, we decided that he should be included in future stats. As more customers started to appear for lunch, we decided to leave this friendly pub. Not far down the road is the Crossways Inn . This old, real ale pub was quite busy, although the layout inside did not lend itself easily to the one way system enforced for social distancing. We had pints of Ferryman (4.2%), Pitchfork (4.3%) and Quantock Stout (4.5%) for £10.90. Tasting other people's beer is probably not recommended in a pandemi