Sampford Moor to Churchinford


Just a few diners and us in the Blue Ball at Sampford Moor on a late Saturday lunchtime. Two pints of Otter Amber (4%) for £7 and a couple games of pool to start us on our way around Somerset. We will be back in (to be filled in later) years after a long walk.

We started off on a farm track under the M5 before walking up the aptly named Green Lane to the edge of the Moor itself. We then skirted around its edge and onto the top road that is the border between Somerset and Devon. This road is a wide country lane frequented by vehicles doing at least 60mph, so we take a path across a couple of fields to the Wellington Monument.

It is fenced off these days because it is in need of repair, and has been for some time.

We descend through the woods below to Voxmoor and then follow the road to Ford Street. Shortly after here, my intention was for us to cut through Gortnell Farm towards Blackmoor. However the path was blocked and so we followed a track that initially went uphill. Once it reached the woods, we headed in roughly the right direction, but the going wasn't easy. So when we came across another track we followed that and hoped to come out on a road. Instead it led to a steep wooded section that was occasionally used by a motorcycle club. Trying to find a way out of that brought us out near Gortnell Common.

We then headed for the busy road we had left some two hours before to avoid the speeding vehicles. We soon arrived at Forches Corner. It was here I had intended to emerge from Buckland Wood after walking up from Blackmoor. There had been a pub here for many years.

The Merry Harriers had two mysterious fires shortly after the most recent landlord disappeared. There are already plans afoot to rebuild something more to corporate tastes here.

We continued a short distance along the road before turning onto the quieter Downlands Lane. After our earlier detour, we decided to take a more direct route to our day's final destination. We went around the back of Burnworthy Manor and onto a track that took us through some woods. There were some sign posts, but we did come across an interesting diversion around what was presumably a pen for rearing pheasants for shooting. Then we came into a large field and struggled to find the correct way out. Eventually we descended to cross the River Culm before climbing up to Churchstanton. After the church we tried to walk on a path, but the crop in the field made it difficult. So we returned to the road before heading down another track called Green Lane. Once we had negotiated some pigs and more crops, we came out near the junction of Red Lane which took us into Churchinford.

 The York Inn sits in the middle of the village. The remains of the FA Cup Final viewers were there. We had pints of Otter Amber (4%) and Thatchers Stan's Cheddar Valley (6%) for £7.10. The pub was now starting to fill up with people for a 60th birthday. They had to dress as a pop star and were due to sing one of their songs in a karaoke later. We had time for another pint in this lively village pub before my good lady wife picked us up.


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