Bruton to Frome

22/6/19 Back on the train to Bruton station. We turned right out of the station as it appeared to be right direction. I don't think it is an official path yet, but before long we did hit one running between the railway line and the River Brue. When that finished, we headed cross country towards South Brewham.We did stray a little before coming out on a road near the church. Then we followed the road to North Brewham.

The Old Red Lion didn't appear to be open, but the sight of us peering through the window as they were laying up for lunch was enough of a prompt. We had two pints of Butcombe (4%) for £7.20 in the old bar at the front of the building. The back had been extended for dining, accommodation and countryside views.

Continuing on the road, we intended to turn off Hammer Street, but the footpath looked too overgrown. We followed the road around to Dreamers Farm where it was supposed to come out, but there was no obvious sign of it there. Opposite there was though, and we set off in what seemed like the right direction. When the path ended at a secure fence, with boars on the other side, we suspected it wasn't. With some digital help and luck we did find a path a couple of fields away. We came out on a road heading towards Witham Friary.

The Seymour Arms looks dated from outside and in, but that only adds to its charm. We enjoyed two pints of Potholer (4.3%) for £6 from within its not recently decorated interior.

It was the River Frome and the railway that we found ourselves following then. Eventually we headed away from both as we tried to find the next pub. This did mean an unpleasant walk along the B3092. Escaping that, we tried a path towards East Woodlands.

Before coming out of the woodlands, we passed this church  and it is not leaning, but I was as we walked uphill. On coming out into the open countryside, the Horse and Groom pub had shut for the afternoon. From there it was downhill towards Frome and its river which we followed to the station rather than using footpaths.


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