Watchet to Minehead


Bus back to Watchet for 11am when, by coincidence, Pebbles Tavern opens.

A welcoming place with a fine selection of beers and ciders. We opted for ciders. Burrow Hill (6%), Secret Orchard's Holy Water (5.5%) and Wild Rabbit (6%), for £11.90 were a fine start to the day.

The coast path east is diverted inland because of cliff erosion, but we had to divert off of the diversion to get to The Blue Anchor.

This place was shut because of the erosion when were doing the coast path a few years previously. It has several small rooms inside and seemed to have a few people visiting. No real ale though and we had two pints of Sea Fury (5%) and a Carling (4%) for £10.90.

Just off the coast road nearby is The Smugglers Inn.

A busy place with the camp site and car boot sale. We had pints of Doom (4%), Exmoor Ale (3.8%) and Mango and Thatchers cider mix (?) for £11.35.

We stayed on the coast from Blue Anchor to Minehead, and the tide was in for a change!

It was one of those days were it might or it might not rain. It did rain as we approached Minehead and I had elected not to take my coat. So a couple of us were wet when we reached The Quay Inn.

It was busy, but then it was Minehead in the summer. We had two pints of Exmoor Gold (4.5%) and a Fosters (4%) for £10.80.

Further along the front, near the harbour, is The Old Ship Aground.

It was quieter inside. My note taking lets me down on what drinks we had. I think it was a Wainwrights, a Banks and a BWR (?) for £13.45.

We had time for one more drink in the Hairy Dog, a tourist pub in town, before the bus home.


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