Tatworth to Misterton

15/7/17  Bus back to Tatworth with the aim of getting to Misterton. The Golden Fleece is the only other Somerset pub near here and that doesn't appear to be open on a Saturday lunch time. So we head towards Perry Street and onto Station Road. From there we cut through to Bugway Lane as it heads up to the Fosse Way. But we turn off before that and return to the road at Pye Lane. The Liberty Trail crosses the River Axe into Somerset near Forde Abbey and we join it at Forde Bridge. Being a named path, it seems to be easier to follow as we enter Winsham.

The Bell is open, admittedly with only one person in. We have pints of Branscombe's Golden Fiddle (4%) and Summa That (5%) for £6.60. The landladies had only just moved in that week, hadn't had a food delivery yet and sounded enthusiastic.

We managed to find a way back onto the Trail despite the lack of signage. There were some signs eventually, but shortly after we had a choice of staying on a track heading downhill or taking another track uphill. I opted for the uphill option. When the path ran out, we decided to carry on anyway. We came out onto a road and then took another footpath in what we thought was the right direction, it was overcast and we didn't have the sun to go by. We then came out onto another road and had a choice of two directions without a signpost. We resorted to tossing a coin and realised we were wrong when we reached the A30. Turning around, we took the road to Hewish. Now we managed to regain our sense of direction, even if it was all on-road walking. So we passed under the Waterloo line, crossed the Crewkerne to Lyme Regis road and then came to Ducks' Field Crossing. Here is where we should have come out had we followed the Liberty Trail. We were now thirsty and tired though, and so we stayed on the road to go directly to Misterton.

The Globe Inn was open with some clients in. We ordered two pints of Tribute (4.2%) for £6.40, but before we could even have a sip, the barmaid took them away again saying they weren't right. We soon had fresh pints and tasty they were too.

We took the bus back to Chard, where we had pints in the Kings Head and the barmaid could have learnt about a nice pint from the Globe, before the return to Taunton.


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