Milborne Port to South Cheriton

7/7/18 Another long bus trip to Milborne Port on another sunny Saturday. We timed our arrival to get to the pub while it was open.

The Tippling Philosopher had a few regulars in early. We had pleasant pints of their own Best (4%) and Bath's Barnsey (4.5%) for £6.90 and a free game of pool. Then we started walking. Henstridge is not far away, but the shortest routes go through Dorset. We walked along some country lanes before taking footpaths through Inwood House estate. Then we crossed the A30, through some fields towards the church.

The Bird in Hand was starting to fill up for the football. We had pleasant pints of London Pride (4.2%) and Sharp's Coast (3.6%) for £6.90 but left before it became even busier.

The Virginia Ash was a bit quieter. It is on the A30 and is setup for the passing motorists and their meals. We had more pleasant pints of Wriggle's Golden Bear (4%) and Pedigree (4.5%) for £7.20. There were some locals in for the football and we left just before kick-off. We needed to take a route that would allow us to return home by public transport, so we aimed north along the bus route. We walked along back roads, through a few fields and past the Gartell Light Railway.

Then it was through Templecombe and on to Horsington. Unfortunately the pub there was shut for the afternoon, even though all the other locals were open and busy. So we walked on to South Cheriton.

The White Horse was open. We had yet more pleasant pints of Sheep Dip (3.8%) and Stoker's Quench (4.4%) for a price we couldn't remember. We caught the last 10 minutes of the England game on their screen even if their internet connection did drop a couple of times. The bus stopped across the road for our return trip via Yeovil where we luckily caught a Berry's coach towards home, even if it was 15 minutes early.


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