Woolverton to Kilmersdon

20/7/19 Another train to Frome and expensive bus to Woolverton. This walk was another one shaped by guessing whether pubs are still in business and I think that the pub at Farleigh Hungerford isn't. So we headed for Norton St Philip. One more factor for the route is avoiding busy roads and paths that have problems logged on https://roam.somerset.gov.uk/roam/Map. So we headed west along a back road before turning north. The footpath through Peart Farm was well marked. In the middle of Norton St Philip is the George Inn.

We had pints of Horizon (4%) and Wadworth IPA (3.6%) for £8.35. The expensive beer was ok and the building did feel quite special. There was a sign saying that they have been serving beer for 700 years, the longest continuous service in England.

Opposite was the Fleur de Lys pub which didn't appear to be opening that lunchtime. So we headed through the old village to a footpath that followed the Norton Brook up a valley. We came out in a campsite that happened to be behind Tucker's Grave Inn.

We had two Butcombes (4%) for £7. There were various ciders available to tempt us which the locals were partaking of. Inside was a variety of rooms, one of which the drinks were dispersed from without having a bar to stand at. It felt welcoming.

The next village, Faulkland, used to have a pub, but it had been closed. So we took a back road route towards Hemington. From there we took a path from the church yard that started off overgrown and became worse. A mile or so later, we fought our way through nettles and thistles onto the A362. Then it was another back road before entering Kilmersdon on a busier B road. We had intended to have a pint, but the bus was due five minutes later. We probably could have had one had we realised the bus stop was right next to the pub's benches.

The bus back to Frome went via Faulkland and its newly re-opened pub. But we did have time to try some more of Frome's hipster pubs. Not the cheapest town centre for a drink.


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