Turnpike Corner to Star

24/8/19 This is the main bit of the Mendips, the A39 to the A38. We bussed our way across Somerset to Chewton Mendip, four buses to be precise. Then we wandered down the hill into Litton and found the back entrance to the pub. The Litton, as it is now called, is a hotel as well and a posher one than your average village pub. This is it from the front.

It was a nice enough venue for a drink and we had Potholer (4.3%) and Notorius (3.8%) for £7.80. We also visited the gents, which brought up a few thoughts about recycling.

We left by the front door and went along the B3114 as far as Stoneyard Lane. This starts as an overgrown lane with some tarmac beneath it, but after we scattered various young pheasants, we found ourselves walking up a river bed. There was a path along side for us to follow onwards though. We were starting the climb onto the Mendips themselves. We did manage to do most of it on country lanes. We were walking along the Monarch's Way at one point, but were soon in the open fields and heading towards the Castle of Comfort Inn.

It was busy when we arrived, but as we drank out Butcombe (4%) and Giggle and Titter (3.8%) for £6.80, the bar started to clear as people finished their lunch. There isn't many people living up here and the surrounding roads are quite straight without many footpaths. So it was along one of these roads that we set off. We made quite good time dodging the fast cars and were soon walking across the fields and Nature Reserve of Ubley Warren. Then it was back on the road through Charterhouse. After the West Mendip Way joined us, we went on to Rowberrow Warren. We intended to head to Rowberrow Bottom, but missed a turning of some sort and eventually came out in Dolebury Bottom. The main problem with this is that it is in the wrong county. We didn't want to walk though the woods any more, partly because we could not work out exactly where the boundary was. So we walked along the A38 to what we knew was Somerset.

The Star Inn was quiet and we had pints of Butcombe (4%) and Exmoor Gold (4.5%) for £7.70 as we played pool. The landlord told us where to catch the bus and we headed back. This was the Falcon coach service which was a pleasant way to travel home.


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