Bridgwater to Cannington


On this walk, we are trying to keep close to the edge of Somerset and as the walk should be contiguous, we needed to walk through some of Bridgwater. The next pub to head for is at Combwich. I choose a route through St George's church yard at Wembdon, then cross-country to Cannington Brook and along the Parrett. The fields next to Cannington Brook were difficult to navigate and full of crops in places with a lack signage even where we joined the Parrett Trail. We have walked the Trail ( but it was nice to see the tide in. Not only was there a nice cool breeze off the water, but also there was wildlife, a gig being rowed and people having fun on the water.

The Anchor Inn at Combwich is set back from the the river front. It was a hot day, so two pints of Doom (4%) and a San Miguel (5%) for £12.20 went down very easily. There were a few people in, mainly eating.

If the bus service was better around here, we would have walked east towards Stogursey, but there is no service beyond Cannington on Saturday. So it was back to Cannington. This time it was a busy road to walk along, but at least they have put a pavement beside it, probably as a result of all the work being done at Hinkley Point.

Our next pub was The Kings Head.

It was quiet in here and no real ale. We had two pints of Thatchers Gold (4.8%) and a Carling (4%) for £11.70. Next along the road is the Rose & Crown.


We had two pleasant pints of Sea Fury (5%) and a Carling (4%) for £11.40. It was quiet in here as well, but felt quite welcoming. When we left, we could see that there were a few more people in the beer garden. We did also visit the Globe and Friendly Spirit whilst in the village, before walking back to Bridgwater for the bus home.


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