Exford to Simonsbath (and back)


With the help of a bus to Dulverton and another one to Exford, we were walking by 10:30. Then, unsurprisingly, it was uphill. We went via Chibbet Post and Chibbet Ford onto the moor before picking up the Two Moors Way and descending towards the River Barle.

There were a few walkers on this part of the route, which is understandable given the scenery. We carried on upstream past Cow Castle to Simonsbath.

As we emerged from the woods, we could see the Exmoor Forest Inn. It was almost like a plan. I think they were new owners. There were several people inside and out. We sat near the bar and had two pints of Silver Stallion (4.3%) and a Taunton Cider (4%) for £12.90. We were not in a rush, so then we had the same again.

We returned along a higher route via Winstitchen and Pickedstones overlooking the Barle and Cow Castle.

One of our party was pleased to spot a redstart. We also came across a hunt. We could hear the hounds and a horn, followed by a hare crossing our path and few stray hounds sniffing around. We rejoined the road and retraced our steps back to Exford.

Because of the vagaries of the bus service, we had time on our hands to revisit both pubs there. All the inside tables were reserved in both, but we managed to temporarily occupy one in each. We also had time to fall out with them in the White Horse before another pint in the Crown and another nice pasty. We had the bus to ourselves back to Dulverton, where we struggled to get a swift pint before being the only passengers again on the bus home.


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