Exford to Dulverton


First bus had stopped their service that we previously used to get to Exmoor, so Mandy kindly took us to Exford. I was considering using the Exe Valley Way for all of this day's walking, but one of our party had taken it upon themselves to walk that whole path since our last outing. So we started by heading down the Exe Valley, which is not part of that route. We did join it at Court Farm though and headed up towards Hernes Barrow.

Above is a couple of Exmoor ponies with Dunkery Beacon behind. We skirt round the Barrow and head to Room Hill.

We cross the B road and head down towards Withypool.

The Royal Oak Inn is just opening. We have pints of Exmoor Gold (4.5%), Guinness (4.2%) and Thirsty Fox 3.8% (well that is what I wrote down) for £13.50 as people started to turn up for lunch. Then we headed down over the River Barle and stayed with the Exe Valley Way as we skirted Withypool Hill. We then left that path to head down to cross Tarr Steps.

There were a few visitors and horses around. We ventured up to nearby Tarr Farm Inn.

We sat inside and unsurprisingly it became busier when it rained. Many were after a snack as we just had two pints of Exmoor Gold (4.5%) and one Stowford Press (4.5%) for £13. There was a choice of routes to continue along the valley. We took one through Ashway Hat Wood.

Above is looking back at Tarr Farm. Once through the wood, we hit a no-through road that winds its way along the valley before joining another road heading down the hill. Here I get attacked by a bramble and spend the next couple of miles bleeding and pulling thorns out of my fingers. We then crossed the Barle and followed it as it wound its way to Dulverton where we crossed again.

The Bridge Inn is on the other side to greet us. We have visited here a few times recently whilst waiting for a bus. This time we have Proper Job (4.5%), Jail Ale (4.8%) and Rib Tickler (5%) for £13.20. It isn't busy yet and the bus is a couple of hours away, so we follow it with another round before heading up into the town centre.

As you can see above, the Lion Hotel is labelled as a free house, so in we go. There are a few locals at the bar. We have two pints of Exmoor Ale (3.8%) and a pint of Exmoor Cider (4.8%) for £11.20 in pleasant surroundings.

Next door is Woods. My two associates are stood outside. The blur is the camera and not my vision by now. There are several clients and their dogs at the bar. All I have recorded for the drinks is charlie and chef for £12.20? Hopefully, said associates might remember more? From here we managed to catch the bus home.


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